Join herbalist and birth worker Emma O’Brien for a physically distant (digital!) live plant walk. At lunchtime on Saturday, June 20, Emma will be at the Neponset River in Hyde Park and will walk participants through the many plant allies that also live in our community. Tips for identification, getting to know, ethical growing/harvesting, processing and consuming will be shared. Take screen shots and find herbal friends in the sidewalks of your own neighborhoods.
Class will be offered at a $5-50 sliding scale, with proceeds going to Building Up People Not Prisons, an organization that seeks to significantly decarcerate women in the Commonwealth.
To sign up, email and you’ll receive a Zoom link for the workshop.
Neponset River Medicinal Herb Walk
Join herbalist and birth worker Emma O’Brien for a physically distant (digital!) plant walk. At lunchtime on Thursday, June 11, Emma will be at the Neponset River in Hyde Park and will walk participants through the many plant allies that also live in our community. Tips for identification, getting to know, ethical growing/harvesting, processing and consuming of plants will be shared.
Class will be offered at a $5-50 sliding scale, with proceeds going to Building Up People Not Prisons, an organization that seeks to significantly decarcerate women in the Commonwealth.
To sign up, email and you’ll receive a zoom link for the workshop.